Posts tagged ‘Brenda Mensah’


Bimpe is rocking the dance floor with the cameraman as Soji watches. She tells him the style she wants them to dance and the guy displays to her delight. Soji asks Ene how she can let this happen? Ene tells him that she is not the one that dumped her. He tries to tell Bimpe to go home but she tells him to buzz off. He charges atheism but the cameraman holds him off & tells him to stay off if the lady does not want to leave with him. Ene tells him to stop so that she can talk to Bimpe. He asks her if Bimpe looks like someone that is ready to listen to reason? He simply charges in, pushes the cameraman to a corner & carries Bimpe off on his shoulder. The cameraman tries to go after him but Salem stops him. Bimpe screams kidnappers as he hauls her off the bar.
Danni begs Kwame to listen to her. He holds the phone to his ear but does not talk. After a while, he hears Brenda coming out & dumps the phone. She asks who that was & he says it was a business call. She settles down to breakfast & asks what he is up to for the day? She knows that now he is idle, they need to keep him occupied. He tells her not to worry. He is over her.
Soji tries to get Bimpe to drink her coffee but she is not drinking. She tells him to leave. He tells her that he should not have said what he told her in Kenya & she brightened up. He then continues that he should have waited for them to get back before he tells her. Her mood changes immediately & she tells him to carry his muscles and dada and leave her house. She immediately gets under the covers and stops listening to him. Ene comes in & asks after her. He tells her that she is refusing to drink the coffee which will clear the drink she had. Ene looks him in the face and tells him that he should not have started this if he knew he is not ready to conclude it. That got through to him.
47 meets Masters with Dan in tow. Masters stops his meal & asks if there is a problem? 47 says that they did not receive enough goods but what was available he apportioned to all the customers. He leaves & Masters tells Dan about the suspended warden. Dan asks if that is the warden that works with him? Masters looks changed & he removes his foot from Salewa’s picture & tells Dan he can have it. Dan cannot believe his ears but he gingerly bends down & picks the picture. He tells Dan that he is in a generous mood & will take up Dan’s offer. He needs a conduit to outside the prison. He needs Dan’s brother to buy him a judge. Dan looks as if he has been smacked.
Brenda & Kwame are in Brenda’s office. She tells someone who does not want to speak to her off on the phone & drops the line abruptly. She tells Kwame that she is not angry contrary to what he may believe. He tells her that he is reading & suggests he moves to his former office. She tells him it’s nit necessary. He gets a text & Brenda asks who it is? He tells her that she is keeping watch over him because she dies not believe that he will stay mad at Danni. He picks his things & moves to his office. As he settles in, his phone rings. He picks it when it kept on ringing & tells Danni to come to Odyssey Pictures to explain herself.
Chuks visits Soji & asks why Soji did not tell him how the Kenyan trip went? If Ene had not told him, he would not have known of their break-up. Soji tells him they are taking a time-out. Chuks asks what that is? He tells Soji that he and Ene felt that Soji and Bimpe were in love following their lovey-dovey moves. Soji says that he should have listened to Chuks and Ene and stayed away from getting entangled with Bimpe. He says that love does not exist as it is portrayed in songs and movies. Chuks tells him that it is confirmed now. His experience with Telema has damaged him irreparably! As Soji looks on horrified, Harriet visits. She came with a first cut if the show ready ti be shopped around for sponsors.
Danni visits Kwame. She stands gingerly at the door & he asks her in. He asks her what she wanted from him? She wants to tell him everything. She came to Nigeria looking for inspiration for her project & he came along. When she kept on hearing stories about him, she decided that he is a good subject. He tells her he feels flattered that she found him an art subject. As she stumbles along, he got tired & threw things at her across the desk & told her that she is not even apologizing to him! She tells him that she is sorry, she used him, she manipulated him, and the only reason they met was so that she can use him as a subject for her art project.
Soji tells Harriet that he has nothing to discuss regarding Bimji. Harriet tells him that she knows how investors can be and she does not want to take the decisions alone. He needs to protect the interest of Jean-Baptiste De-La-Rosa. Chuks clears his throat & Soji asks if he has a cough? He asks Soji to meet with him in private. They step aside & he tells Soji that he may regret the decision to give up his rights to the reality show if it makes money. Soji is not interested in anything at all. He tells Harriet to shop the video & once De-La-Rosa’s investment, she should pass whatever is left to Bimpe alone and that is it.
Kwame tells Danni to continue. She stutters & he tells her not to play games with him as he invented it. She tells him that she was thinking of what to do with her project when he walked in. She had gone everywhere (the museum, slave port, etc) looking for ideas but could not come up with anything interesting when he walked into the spa. She had heard so much about him in the house. He reminds her that they met when she scratched his car with her bike. She says they met earlier than that at the spa on a day he walked in & was talking to an art producer on the phone. She tells him about the theme of her project which is how everyone uses the other person. He recounts everything they went through & she tells him that she tried to stay away from the whole thing when it started getting out of control. He tells her that he no longer believes anything she says. She tells him about when she tried to walk away from it all and return to The States but he begged her to stay. He asks her why she decided to stay? Crying, she tells him that she started falling in love with him.
Sankey & Kaneng pay Fred a visit & express their displeasure at his visit to Masters in prison. They wonder what he wanted to achieve? He is bothered about Dan’s association with that criminal. That could get Dan killed if Masters discovers his real role. They tell him that they need him to work with them to appear to buy a judge for Masters. He protests that & they tell him that as they expect that he may be under watch by Masters’s men, they will have to arrange for him to meet with an actual judge to arrange the deal.
Kwame does not believe what Danni is saying but stands up and meets her halfway. He asks if they are being recorded as they speak & goes ahead to frisk her. At some point, the frisking slowed down & she held his face & with tears streaming down her face, she plants a kiss on his lips & after a while he responds. As things were getting deeper, Brenda walks in. Kwame stops & reminds Danni of the day she came to his house, took her bath & when things started getting steamy between them, she broke it off & ran off because her clothes were dry? He tells her that the shoe is on the other leg now & walks out leaving her & Brenda behind.


Brenda is at breakfast. Asks John if Kwame is already up before Kwame appears. She tells him he will feel better with some food. He says he is not hungry. She asks if he is ill then? She asks if it is that girl? She joins him & asks what it is but he is not ready to talk. She tells him that no one is worth all this trouble.
Ene is not feeling too well & cannot make it to the office. Chuks looks after her and her uncle visits. He tells them that a toad does not run in the day time without a reason. It is either something is chasing it, or it is chasing something. Ene asks if all is well? He says he came to see Chuks. Chuks tells him that he should have informed them of the visit in advance. He asks if Chuks thinks his wife’s family is not behaving properly? They did not raise their daughter to come and live in a boys quarters.
Kaneng visits Dan. She talks to him in whispers about the need for him to get something quickly. She encourages him to hang on. He tells her about his having to set Ota up to prove his loyalty to Masters. He asks her to try & get to Sankey and Ahmed & explain that it was a set up & get them to put Ota’s name back for early release. Kaneng asks why Masters wants to set Ota up? She thinks they may be able to get some information to indict Masters there but Dan tells her that Ota is harmless to everyone. She will see what she can do. She asks if there is any other thing worrying him but he says he is okay.
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Danni discusses her project with someone on the phone. She apologizes for calling at the wrong hour, hangs up & puts her head on the table crying. Fred comes in and is shocked she is crying. He asks if it has to do with Kwame? He goes ahead to advise her about relationships. She asks if it is always that difficult? He tells her that at this time last year, he thought his marriage was over but today they are quite okay.
Ene’s uncle tells Chuks that they will not keep quiet when things are going wrong. Chuks tells him that there is nothing wrong with them. Ene’s uncle says that Ene’s mum told him how they are always fighting about bank passwords. Chuks is surprised that their private life is discussed. Her uncle says that he has always known that Ene is earning more money than Chuks. Ene’s tells her uncle that there is no problem with that. Chuks takes offense at hat & leaves.
Kaneng tells Dan that she is not sure that Sankey will accept another request. He tells her that they are discussing an innocent man’s life here & not a request for another pillow! She tells him that Fred is concerned about him. He tells her that Fred is concerned about everything he cannot control. She says she is also concerned about the way he looks. He gets annoyed that she discussed him with his brother behind his back & tells her so in very strong terms.
Danni apologizes & Fred tells her to forget the past & move on. She says it may not be that easy. Fred tells her that what he did to Sheila was quite bad but they are still together. He asks her if she cares for the young man? She says yes. He asks if she cares for him? She says yes. He asks what the issue is then? She says that for one thing, she is leaving. He tells her that there are return tickets!
Ene blames her uncle for making Chuks stay away from the house. Her uncle tells her not to worry that Chuks will be back. He is more bothered by Chuks making her the bread winner. Ene tells hi. That it is not true. She reminds him of Chuks’s fashion business bu he asks if the business is in the house? he is at home when his mates are out there controlling warehouses. He asks Ene who puts money in the brown envelope he heard they keep in the house? She says that two of them put money there for their use. Chuks comes back & tells them that he forgot something. As he picks up the brown envelope, Ene’s uncle shouts at him to hold it there!
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Freddy peeps into the study & asks if he can come in? Danni says he can. He comes in & gives her a cup of tea. She is happy that he knew just what she wanted. He asks whether they can talk? She says she is in a hurry. They will talk when she is back. She scurries out & Freddy settles down to browse through her laptop.
Ene’s uncle tells Chuks that if he talks now, they will say that he talks too much. He accuses Chuks of coming to take money from his wife. Ene says it is not true. Chuks tells the man to lay off him. He should return the bride price if they want to. He is tired of being threatened. He tells the man that he will talk if they continue to disturb him. Uncle Tony asks him to go ahead. Chuks tells him that he is aware that the whole family contributed money for his wedding! Ene’s uncle tells her that she and her aunt have been talking too much. Chuks tells him to leave his wife out of it. He leaves & comes back to get the bag he brought for Ene. Chuks & Ene burst out laughing when he left!
Salewa is waiting in the sitting room when TTK comes out. She asks if TTk is on her way out? she says yes & wonders why she asks? She says that she wants to follow her out & drop off on the way. She wants to see her father. TTK tells her that she will not be able to see him now. He is going thru some stuff now & it’s nothing she can get into now. She asks her to give it some weeks.
Phillip appears at Ziggy’s Bar. He orders a drink & sees Kwame at a table & joins him. He calls him lover boy & asks why Kwame did not tell him that she is his family friend? He would not have thrown her out. He asks if Kwame actually went to Fred to ask to date Danni? He accuses Kwame of deceiving Fred into thinking he is now a gentleman. It was all he could do to keep a straight face. Kwame is not interested & he asks him to make it easy for him by rising up to the tease! He asks after the call Kwame made to him in Ghana & Kwame says it was a waste of time, some moment of insanity. Phillip thinks it is possible Kwame realized that he was being stupid. Kwame tells him that he has some apologizing to do. Phillip asks if he is drunk on that one glass? Kwame asks how Ghana went? Phillip imitates a Ghanaian accent and says that the place is fine but it was all work work work.
Chuks gives Ene a massage. Se enjoys it& when she starts laughing, he asks if she is tickled? She says that she loved the look on her Uncle T’s face when he told him off. She asks what they will do if Uncle T call his bluff & returns the bride price? Chuks thinks he will not do that. Ene tells him that the man will tells the story as if Chuks is the one that started it all. Chuks tells her that it may be better for her as he is not rich enough to keep her. She tries to stop him but he continues. She stops him by planting a kiss on his face.
Masters asks how Dan is getting along in his new accountant’s role? He says he is coming up to speed. He notices some people hanging around & gets up so that they an attend to customers. 47 takes over the seat & collects money from the customers as he dispenses the drugs. The money goes to Dan! He argues with one of the customers & the next one trips over Dan’s leg & that gets him a slap from one of the boys. Dan stops them & 47 hails him for learning fast. 47 gets up with his loot & Ota comes around to greet Dan but Dan jumps when he sees him!

Next on Tinsel
Barrister Ahmed is impressed with Dan. They however ask him to get them more solid stuff especially on Angela. From his side of the barrier, he asks them to swap places with him so that they see how easy it is!


Dan asks whether Masters wants him to put Ota in trouble? Masters tells him that he is paying full attention. He says that he cannot do that. Ota is due for an early release & putting a black mark on him will destroy his chances at early release. Masters says that Dan is following him. Dan asks if Ota annoyed Masters? He can talk to Ota& they will sort out the issues. Masters says that Ota irritates him. Dan says that it will destroy Ota’s effort at early release. Masters tells him that he thought he will be up to the challenge. As he leaves, Dan says he is ready. Masters tells him not to let anyone force him into anything.
Kwame and Danni come up for air under the covers. He says that was…and she says unexpected? He agrees that is one way of looking at it. She hopes that it was not too painful? He asks if she meant the chains? She says everything. He tells her that as she is the one that had him in chains, he thinks it is a take no prisoners situation. That is not what she means. He tells her that he has two words for her and before he could say so Phillip walks in and shouts WTF!
TTK meets a patron at the bar & tries to chat the guy up, saying he must be new as she has not seen him before but the guy is not responding. She leaves the guy and goes to the bar to ask what is going on? The whole bar is empty save for the sole customer and Ohakannu who is sleeping on the couch. She wakes Ohakanu up to go to his house. She claims he is bringing down the tone of the place. Ohakanu says he is not the one. He asks TTK to read the note they left for him. TTK grabs the note from Afi. It reads, “we miss you Ziggy” and is signed by Ziggy’s former customers. She wonders what they mean by that?
Phillip asks Kwame what he is doing in his flat, his bed, and with some cheap floozie? Danni, who is shocked they are in Phillip’s flat protests being called a floozie. Kwame tells Phillip that it is not as it seems. Phillip tells him that he read about the movies but hopes he is not shooting it in his house. He sees the wheelchair and chains and asks what kinky games Kwame is up to? Kwame asks him to step out and allow the lady make herself decent & he steps out but promises to see Kwame downstairs.
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Dan walks into the room & Ota asks what is going on? Dan drags him aside and tells him that a lot is going on but he should stay away from it. He asks what is going on and is surprised that Dan is spending so much time with Masters. He presses Dan for what he is discussing with Masters? Is it drugs? Is Dan on that stuff again? Dan tells him to stop and leave him alone as he walks away.
Kwame comes downstairs to meet Phillip and apologizes for Phillip’s room. Phillip tells him it is not about the room. He wonders how Kwame could come back to the house? Kwame says he left but Brenda threw him out. He needed a place to crash and as he paid the rent and they are still friends… Phillip cuts him off & tells him to pack his stuff & leave as soon as his lady friend is out of the house. Danni comes downstairs & rejects Kwame’s offer to see her off.
Chuks calls Erastus, the Grab guy. The guy insists that he can only get the tea if he buys a full carton of Grab. It is not available but he will let Chuks have his own supply as soon as he transfers funds. Chuks will do the transfer right away. He tells Chuks to dream big as he clicks off. Chuks do the transfer & as Ene comes in, he grabs her. She tells him to leave her. She is tired. He tells her that his palm itches and asks if she knows what it means? She asks if it means that he has craw craw? He says no! it means that money is coming. He will soon fill Ziggy’s with all the Grab they can drink.
Kaneng meets Dan in prison. He looks horrible & she asks what happened to him? He says he is dying in there but quickly changes subjects. She suggests he calls off the spying! He manages to convince her that he is up to it. He is just starting and will finish what he has started. He asks if she is also giving up on him? She says no. He is getting closer & will do it.
Brenda stands up to go in when Kwame walks in. She turns & sees him with his bags but does not show so much surprise. She flops down on the sofa & shouts welcome back at him as he walks into the room without responding to her greetings.
TTK hands a questionnaire each to Afi and Frank and tells them it will be used to collect data about the way she runs the bar. She has made it as easy as is possible as she knows that it is not everyone that is sharp among them. She asks Frank to read the questionnaire. He reads and under her withering gaze, they continue to score her the highest until a customer walks in and disrupts their discussion with a loud shout asking if TTK is the woman running this excuse of a bar?
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Masters asks how they are getting along with their little assignment? Dan says he has not had a chance to do anything. Masters asks if he has lost his nerves? He asks 47 to hand Dan the key. In about 20 minutes, there will be a thorough search of all the prisoners in Ota’s cell. If the key is not found in Ota’s belongings, he will know which side Dan is on. 47 will be watching him.
The irate customer tells TTK that this dive has cost him a lot in cancelled flights, and hospital bills. TTK takes exception at Ziggy’s being called a dive. The irate guy says that he used to be a regular at Ziggy’s when it was Ziggy’s. The other day, he came with all his 10 friends to the bar but they ended up in the hospital after drinking ginger tea. If they do not remove the tea from the bar, he will personally do so. At that moment, Chuks coming into the bar with his carton heard the guy & covers the carton so that the guy does not see it. As she turns right back, TTK asks him to stop right there.
Fred meets Danni in his study. As he turns to leave, she begs him to stay as she quickly shuts the laptop she is looking at. He tells her that he notices that she has been away a lot of late. That means she is progressing on her project. He is happy at that but also not happy that she will be leaving them soon. He will leave her to continue her work. She re-opens the laptop after he is out the door.
TTK berates Chuks for spoiling the name of the bar with his ginger tea. He tells her that there must be a mistake. He has a lot of other customers that use the tea and their skin is clear and it works well for them. Chuks tells her that he has ordered for additional tea so that the bar will not run out of supplies. TTK asks Frank to go to the store and bring the remaining tea. She stones him with the tea and says if he as much as brings it near the bar again, she will personally make sure he does not run any business in that town again.
Dan, escorted by 47 walks in and 47 orders the prisoner sitting beside Ota away. Dan sits down and apologizes to him for his rash behavior previously. He has been under a lot of pressure. He gives Ota a bundle containing powdered milk. Ota is over the moon & thanks Dan profusely. He will keep the milk for them to share later. Dan tells him to start eating from the milk immediately but Ota insists that he cannot eat the special delicacy alone! He will keep it for their celebration. Dan continued to urge him to go ahead immediately as 47 escorts him away. He looks on distressed as Ota hides the bundle under his shirt!


Kwame is quite annoyed with Danni for trying to put him back in the wheelchair & will not touch the chair. Danni tells him that while he is walking about confidently, his mind still lack that confidence. He needs to get committed to getting all these issues out of his kind. He tells her that she is the one that needs commitment! She tells him that her art is about finding out the truth & that’s what she wants to help him do. He is not interested & walks into the kitchen.
Fred discusses Dan’s work for the police with Kaneng. He is not happy at the risky nature of the role, etc. She tells him that Dan’s safety is her first priority. He knows what he is getting into & the police will be monitoring the whole thing to ensure he is safe. She is also keeping a close eye on things & will pull the plug if she thinks he is at risk. Fred wonders if there is a job description for a police mole? He asks for how long this will be on for? She tells him that the court date for Alhaji Abubakar is close by & once they get a conviction, Dan will be free. Fred is worried at what will happen if they Di not get the conviction.
Kwame comes out of the kitchen & shouts at Danni but realizes that she has left without the wheelchair. As he looks around surprised, Brenda waltzes in & says that she heard that he is squatting in Phillip’s flat but had to see it for herself to believe it. He tells her that it is not a good moment for her to talk to him but she continues. She thought he made enough money from those his films to rent a hotel room. He tells her that he paid for the rent & has a right to the house! She wonders what happened to his self-respect? She is sure that Phillip is not aware that he is staying in his house! He asks her if she has been talking to Phillip behind his back? She stumbles in the wheelchair & the shock stops her from continuing!
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Brenda gingerly walks towards Kwame & asks if he is okay? Is there anything wrong with his back or his leg? He tells her he is okay & he asks what the wheelchair is for? He tells her to ask Phillip, the owner of the house! She peers into his face & says that he has been acting strange of late & he tells her to define strange. She asks if he made a weird call to Phillip recently? He asks her to define weird! She takes a good look at him & ties the weird call to the bizarre trip he made to her house with Danni! She hopes that all these have nothing to do with that Danni! He tells her that as usual, she is bothered because someone else is pulling the strings instead of herself. She is surprised that he is allowing Danni to pull him by the strings as she walks out.
Bimpe comes into Soji’s house & asks Salem what he has been up to lately? He says he is okay. She asks after preparations for their Nairobi trip? He says it is going well. As he makes his way into the room, she asks him who the animal he is fighting with is? That stops Salem in his tracks.
Dan walks into the games room & sits beside Masters as a game of table tennis goes on. He asks who Masters is betting on but reminds himself that Masters does not bet. He is the house! He rambles on but Masters keeps quiet. He suggests that two of them try their hands on a game one of these days. Maybe he will have more luck in table tennis against Masters than he has had in chess! He however remembers that he has never seen Masters break sweat! Masters tells him that he seems to be doing well in his new found hobby. Hobby? Horse-riding, Masters tells him. He understands that to mean use of heroine in street parlance!
Salem says that he did not fight with anyone. Bimpe ells him that she saw I’m with her own eyes! He wonders how that is possible & she tells him that there are hidden cameras in the house. He is shocked as he thought he had disconnected all the cameras. He realizes that the game is up & comes clean. He gave money to his friend KB for his passport but he is asking him to pay N50,000 or he will not release Salem’s birth documents. She asks if he is mad? How can he be asking for such money? She orders Salem to call the guy to come. She will handle him herself!
Kwame invites Soji to join him in drinking at Ziggy’s. Soji hesitates but eventually joins him & orders for a Ginger ale. Kwame recounts the first time they met & what they have gone through together. When he gets to Telema, Soji says he has been wondering how long it will take before her name came up? Kwame believes they have changed but Soji tells him that he is still the same old manipulative Kwame & gets up & walks away.
A warder leads Dan to a room to meet Masters & 47. The warder curtsies to Masters before going out. Dan sees Salewa’s picture on the floor among straws & his attention keeps going back to the picture. Masters hands him their records & a pack of heroine as his pay. As he turns to leave, Masters tells him not to leave so fast.
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As other prisoners continue to stream in to collect their rations, Masters wonders why Dan is in a hurry to leave? He tells him to relax & have a game of chess with him. 47 & his group set up a bench for the game but Dan’s eyes keep going back to the picture on the floor! He complains that he is not in a good mood for the game. Masters wonders why Dan is not like others who do not waste time in using the heroine once they get their hands on the product. Dan would rather be alone when he shoots up.
KB comes in to meet Salem & is surprised to see Bimpe. He asks if that is Salem’s bodyguard? He is not afraid of any woman. A fearful Bimpe musters courage & asks him to hand over Salem’s documents. He refuses & Bimpe tells him that two of them can come up successfully against him. He scoffs at the suggestion. Bimpe asks Salem to approach from the back & grab his documents. She pushes him on as he hesitates & two other guys walk in when KB whistles. Bimpe clings onto Salem & asks KB to tell his goons to leave. As they retreat, Bimpe asks him to hand over the documents before the police comes. She tells him that they are currently seeing him on hidden cameras. Which hidden camera?
Kwame calls Danni to ask her what he needs to do with the wheelchair?
KB looks at one of the video cameras in Soji’s studio & tells Salem that he could have made some money from selling the camera which he will use to pay up the debt & get his documents back. Bimoe reminds him that the police is seeing him blackmailing them & they will soon arrive to arrest him for the crime. KB tells her that Salem paid him to obtain a fake birth certificate for him & that is also a crime so if the police comes, they will not be arresting him alone. Bimpe tells him that they do not have the kind of money he is asking for. He tells her to give up her phone in exchange. She says she will give him a recharge card instead. He collects the recharge card & tells them to call him when they are ready to pay. As he turns to leave, she calls him back & reluctantly hands over her phone. Salem thinks she should not do it. KB is happy at the expensive phone & calls his people in who hand over the document to Salem as they disappear.
Masters says that Dan’s game has improved since the last time they played! Dan says he has been practicing. Masters wonders when they allow chess boards in death row? Dan says he has been playing mental chess. Masters smiles & says that Dan really needs their product. Dan tells him that he will take the product when he is through with the game. He calls 47, & tells him to come & help Dan with the product. 47 grabs Dan’s left hand & shoots the drug forcefully into his arm. Dan’s face twists & he starts to scream as the effects of the drug sets in!

Next in Tinsel
A bare-chested & sweating Kwame sits on the wheelchair & Danni picks up a roll of chain lying on the floor.


Salem hands his documents to KB who asks him to bring more money. He replies that he has given him all the money he needs for the passport. KB gets mad & asks whether he is talking about the money that will be paid to the passport office? He asks Salem to please settle him if he wants to get the international passport.
Sheila apologizes to Fred saying that she was not trying to undermine his authority. She was thinking more of Dan. he also apologizes for raising his voice at her. He tells her about his visit to Sankey and that Dan is already working for the police. She tries to convince him that it may be for the best but he thinks that it is too dangerous.
Danni knocks on Kwame’s door & when he opens, she tells him that she prefers it when he opens the door with a smile on his face. They argue with each other briefly & he asks her who the next subject in their performing arts is? She tells him that it is Phillip Ade-Williams!
KB insists that Salem must PA with an additional N20,000 if he wants the international passport. Salem thinks that he must be crazy if he thinks that he will get that kind of money from him. He says hat he is no longer interested in getting the passport and asks KB for his money back. KB shows him the money & the document but tells him that he will not lay his hands on any of them.
Dan discusses his encounter with Masters with Sankey & Ahmed. They ask him what he saw while he is in the workshop? He is not sure, so they warn him that he cannot afford to have tunnel vision in the presence of such a dangerous man. He reminds them that they cannot continue to meet in Bello’s office everyday or Masters is bound to suspect what is going on.
Danni hands Kwame the phone & asks him to go ahead & call Phillip! He asks if he can at least say hello? Danni tells him yes, but that means he has only one word left! He makes the call & when Phillip picks, he did not say anything. Phillip keeps on saying hello but Kwame drops the call after a while. Phillip calls him back & keeps wondering what is going when he hears Danni talk in the background. Kwame says Black Ananse & Danni snatches the phone from him!
Salem & KB exchange blows in Soji’s flat. They run around the whole house & KB tells him that since he wants to fight, his cost has gone up to N40,000! As they struggle, he breaks free & bolts from the house with both the cash & the documents. Salem runs after him.
TTK comes to see Fred. He sits her down & tries to explain the rationale for Dan’s decision to her. She is still worked up & complains that Dan screamed at her in the prison. she puts the whole blame on Fred & as she rails at him, Sheila comes out & quietly greets her. She sits beside Fred & quietly reminds TTK that she cannot come to harass Fred every time she has issues with Dan. Sheila flies off the handle & walks out on them!
Kwame is at lunch with Danni. She asks him why he said Black Ananse on the phone? She wants to know whether the company was that important to him or what or is he missing the partnership or friendship? He brushes that aside & asks who the next subject is? She tells him it is Brenda. He laughs heartily at this. She does not understand Brenda, Kwame tells her. Brenda does not like being scripted into other people’s story. She tells him of her encounter with Brenda & how Brenda warned her off Kwame. Kwame’s mood changes immediately, he gets up from his food & drops the money for the food & asks if she is coming along? As he walks out, she scurries after him.
Bimpe is getting a pedicure at the Spa. The spa lady warns her that the colours of the nail polish she chose will not match. She instructs the lady to go ahead & use it as she is the star & decides what happens. Another staff serves her juice & she scrunches her face & complains that the juice is more than two hours old! She drinks only freshly-pressed juice. Harriet calls for time out & stops the recording for an hour. Sheila calls her aside & tells her that her staff have all decided not to attend to Bimpe. Since that is the last treatment she is getting, she presents Harriet with the bill for the treatments they have given. The bill makes Harriet gasp!
Kwame & Danni meets Brenda at home. She welcomes them & wonders why they visited? He says nothing. Danni tells them to pretend that she is not there & fished out her camera. Brenda comments that Danni has become a tattler & he has come to get back at her for her comments! She thinks that is quite medieval of her. Kwame says nothing.
Bimpe comes out & Harriet shows her the bill. Her jaw drops when she looks at it. A she was screaming, Soji comes. To the spa. She hugs him & they discuss. He asks how she is doing & she says she is okay but she is tired & can make do with a trip. He firmly tells her that she cannot come on the trip. He is going to work & she should stop trying to make him take her! She tells him to suit himself.
Brenda wonders whether Danni & Kwame will not say anything to her? When no one talks to her as Danni films away, she gets up & tells them to see themselves out. As she turns to go inside, he gets up & tells her sorry. She stops & as he turns to walk dejectedly towards the door, she calls him back & enevlops him in a big hug & they both shed a few tears!
Masters meets Dan tinkering away in the wood workshop. Dan tries to start a conversation with him. Masters asks him what he wants? Dan tells him that he has decided to accept the reality that he will be spending a long time in the prison & desires a comfortable life. Masters asks him to come out with the truth? He says he wants some drugs. Masters does not believe him.


Dr. Gyang tells Fred in no uncertain terms not to bring up the case of Dan again. He cannot believe that Fred of all people will try to get reprieve for his brother in this manner.
Kwame calls Danni & convinces her not to leave. He wants her to take him on as her student & teach him her brand of art. She agrees to think about it.
Dr. Gyang calls Fred to apologize for being too harsh on him. He will do the same thing for his brother if he was in Fred’s shoes. To make amends, he decided to give Fred some snippets of information on the outcome of the committee on mercy’s meeting. Their verdict will be very soon, in a day or two.
Chuks & Soji discuss his Grab business and how well it is doing. Chuks goes ahead to put his other plans to get the business to even move further into action.
Chuks explains the benefits of Grab to Frank, Obiora & Afi. It burns fat, it cleanses the body, it is a multi-purpose drink. TTK comes in & asks him what he is doing distracting her staff from their day’s job? He explains that he has been telling them about a revolutionary new product & he has a proposal for her.
Sheila tells Fred that their house guest has decided to stay. He laughs at the way the young ones change their minds. He tells Sheila about his botched meeting with Dr. Gyang. Sheila tells him that he has try again but Fred tells her that there may be no further chance. The verdict will be out soon. Dr. Gyang says that Dan will need a lot of luck. Sheila encourages him to tell Dan what is going on to prepare him.
Peju interviews Prudence, Varere’s fiancee. Prudence tells her that life has been tough without Varere. She still cannot believe that he is gone. She still mistakes other people for him in the market, church, supermarket. She is not happy that an effort is being made to pardon Dan. Peju reminds her that Varere is alleged to rape Telema. She says it is only an allegation. There is no evidence against Varere and Telema has fled the country after arranging to have her manage kill Varere. Peju remnds her that she too accused Varere of abusing her but she screams that it is different. She looks in the camera and says that Dan will never escape justice.
Kaneng, who is watching the program in Ziggy’s gets a call about the decision. When she hears the person on the other end of the line, she drops her phone on the floor.
Chuks brings a cup of Grab to TTK who takes a sip & says it is not bad. Chuks introduces the drink to her. She asks if Chuks wants them to serve it at the bar? He says yes but she says that it does not ft in with the Bar’s image. Chuks wants them to let the customers decide. She accuses Chuks of using the bar to test all his schemes. She advises Chuks to look beyond the bar for next schemes.
Danni visits Kwame who stands there smiling foolishly. She tinforms him that she has agreed to take him on as her student but there are some ground rules. He has listen to everything she says at all times & do everything he is asked to do. He agrees.
TTK reminds Chuks about his desire to keep the bar the same way Ziggy left it. He tells her to stop dragging Ziggy into every discussion. They can leave the bar as a drinking joint or convert it into a lifestyle destination offering healthy options to drinks. TTK asks for an example of such a place? He tells her about Mirage Spa which has added an orange juice dispenser. She agrees that they will taste the acceptance with a potential customer.
Danni takes Kwame through the rules of the performing arts. The artist strives to generate a reaction from the audience. He asks a question & she tells him the story of a performing artiste who gives the audience a scissors & allows them to cut a piece of her cloth away. They either stop at some point or strip her completely naked. She wants Kwame to perform three events. He says he is not going to do that. He has a reputation to protect. This brought laughter out of Danni.
Kaneng meets Dan who notices that she is withdrawn & points I out. He asks if everything is okay? She says yes but she has bad news. Things have not gone according to their plans.


Sankey tells Kaneng that Dan will be required to spy in Masters. Kaneng says no to the deal. Sankey says she at least offered a deal. Kaneng tells her that Dan helped get rid of a pedagogy thug & made Sankey’s job easier. Sankey says she is asking that Dan helps take care of another predatory thug. 
Sheila says Danni has a way if stirring up the nest & asks why she is leaving? Is it anything they said? Danni says it is nothing of such. She will miss them all & thanks them for taking her in. Amaka tells her that they cannot stop her from leaving if she wants to. Fred says it is okay if it will help her focus on her thesis. Freddy says he is filled up & wants to go to his room. 
Bimpe does a test run in front of the camera of her love test & asks Harriet how they are going to achieve that? Harriet assures her that all will be well. She will be surprised at what Soji can do for her. Maybe they should ask him for a present. Bimpe wants a phone but Harriet is disgusted at the talk of phone again. 
Kaneng wonders why Sheila thinks they will take the offer? Sankey says they are giving him a chance to escape the hang man’s noose. She heard that his application for mercy is dead in the water. 
Sheila & Amaka discuss Danni’s leaving. Sheila taunts Amaka that she is torn by the fact that Danni is leaving & nothing untoward has happened to any of them or their bank accounts! Amaka confesses that she is becoming fond of Danni. Shells says that she will if Danni had such fond nkata for her like she calls Amaka. Sheila thinks that it may have to do with Kwame & that new year’s eve stunt. Amaka could not agree less. Whatever U’s the reason, she believes it is better to keep her away from Kwame.
Kaneng asks Sheila what she heard? She says she heard nothing but if the scale was in Dan’s favour, his being an Afe-Williams, his sentence would have been commuted by now. Kaneng gets up to leave & Sankey reminds her that their discussion is confidential. 
Jean-Baptiste Agbabiaka De La Rosa visits Soji & offers him a chance to take pictures of endangered white rhinos in Kenya for 3 days. He jumps at the offer & she wonders if he is available considering their show? He says he is available. Bimpe can hold on to the show while he is away. she reminds him that she is interested n the success of the show & leaves after telling him to send his passport & that of his assistant to enable travel documents be prepared. 
Freddy meets Danni & asks if her decision to go back has to do with him or his gift? She tells him no, she is just busy & has a lot to do on her thesis. they are friends forever & his decision to hang out with only people his age does not affect them in any way. 
Salem visits Soji & he tells her about the photo trip to Kenya to photograph white rhinos & invites him to come along as his assistant. Salem is elated but does not know what white rhinos are. 
Sheila sees off a customer & meets Kwame who came to pay for his next month’s subscription for salsa. Sheila reminds him that he can pay online. He says he was in the neighborhood & stopped by. Sheila tells him that there is some snag. They are looking for a new salsa teacher. Kwame thinks that business is booming if they are setting up another class but Sheila tells him that Danni is leaving. He calls & invites her out to lunch. 
Bimpe takes a break from filming & goes out to stretch her legs. Harriet checks to find out what Soji has been up to but the cMeras are off. She asks the cameraman about the cameras in the photo frame in Soji’s house & hooks up to those on her laptop. 
Kwame meets Danni at Ziggy’s & makes her a proposition. He wants to hook up with her on the artistic side. He wants to learn everything about her & that way he will understand what her art is about. She tells him she has other things on her mind. 
Bimpe is annoyed that Soji chose Salem over her to accompany him on the trip to Kenya. Harriet tells her that it is not a problem yet. This could be their chance to test if he truly loves her. She should wait toll he tells her about the trip. For all she knows, he has not even thought about her going. She asks what they will do if he insists on choosing Salem? Harriet says that will be when they know whether he loves her or not. 
Bimpe meets Soji & he tells her that Jean-Baptiste visited & she should guess why? she says Kenya! He wonders whether she has been talking to Salem? She reminds him that he asked her to guess! He gives her the details & she goes off on arrangements for the trip starting with Bimji hits Kenya! She talks about visas, etc but Soji stops her by saying she is not going. She asks why? He says it is a photoshoot & Salem is coming as his assistant. She reminds him that Salem can hardly pass as a photographer’s assistant. Salem is a boy he just started teaching photography. He insists on going alone & she tells him that if he goes without her, she will not be waiting for him when he comes back. He tells her that it is okay, if that is what she wants to do!
Fred meets Dr. Gyang for lunch & after pleasantries are done with, Dr. Gyang wonders what the purpose of the lunch is? Fred tells him that they have known each other for a while & he can vouch for Dr. Gyang’s integrity. Dr. Gyang says the feeling is mutual. Fred tells him that this is not easy for him but talks of their application for mercy for Dan & requested Gyang to assist but Dr. Gyang violently stops him & tells him not to say one more word for the sake of their friendship. 

Next on Tinsel
Soji tells Chuks about Bimpe’s reaction to his choosing Salem for the trip to Kenya. Chuks says it is usual of women & their twisted logic. He tells Soji to buy Bimpe a present; some adipose tissue remover. Soji looks like he will punch Chuks!


Sankey asks Segun how he arrived at the house where he claims that Angela is? He starts a long story but she cuts him short so he  tells her that it must be in the first house they searched. The payment to the contractor was for the installation of a new septic tank. Who instals a new septic tank in an abandoned house? She asks him to arrange their boys & quickly go to the house.
Danni tells Freddy that it is a nice necklace & she likes it but asks him to give it to a lady his age, someone special. She is sure there is someone he likes either in school or the computer class. He is not happy as he leaves with the necklace but stops to tell her that he heard that she enjoyed her party.
Soji comes to meet Bimpe & Harriet in Ziggy’s & apologizes for coming late. Jean-Baptiste, Agbabiaka De La Rosa, who came in with him, sits down & launches into a long tale. Soji tells them that she thinks that her last recording did not go well & she is ready to do another one right now. Bimpe is aghast but Harriet agrees after Jean-Baptiste orders the camera man to roll tape. She orders Bimpe & Soji to stand side by side as she launches into her story about art & life. Bimpe tries to stop her by saying that she feels faint but De La Rosa coninues from where she stopped. Bimpe then collapses against Soji & is surprised that Soji did not catch her from falling!
Sankey comes back with Segun & they are both surprised that they met a completely empty house. Segun suggests that Masters may have kept the house as a part of an elaborate plan to drive the police on a wild goose chase. Sankey is not buying any of that.
{{{DSTV decided to switch off my service at this point for no apparent reason}}}
Kwame visits Brenda & they exchange new year pleasantries. She taunts him for deciding to visit her last after visiting all his other friends. She asked John to slow down on preparing lunch till Kwame got there. He thinks it is presumptuous of her to assume that he will show up. He only decided to stop by half an hour ago. She asks if he has gotten over his salsa things? Amber calls at that moment to remind him of his promise to give her a 50% raise. He thinks she is drunk or stupid to believe that he will do so. She tells him not to try her as it is his idea and all. She has even bought some things on credit! He tells her off in some very strong words. Brenda wonders who is getting under his skin in such a manner?
Bimpe says her phone is cracked. Soji examines it with her & leaves with Jean-Baptiste. Harriet tells Bimpe that she saw through her act. Bimpe pretends not to understand what she means but she insists that she saw through her acting even if Soji does not. She tells Bimpe that she will only make viewers think she is pregnant if she continues to collapse against Soji. She suggests that Bimpe tries the love test she suggested but she will only divulge the details if she agrees to do so while the camera is rolling. 
The prisoners are watching a play. Masters comes & Dan gets up to go. Masters hopes it is not on his account. Dan insists that it has nothing to do with him. He asks if Dan is walking away to avoid his confronting his craving for the drugs? Dan tells him that he is in full control of his resolve. He wonders what is driving Dan’s new-found resolve. He considers various options but agrees that whatever it is, it barely lasts for too long. A warden calls him out. 
Brenda asks Kwame what it is? It must be a girl, she surmises. He tries to dodge it but finally agrees it is Danni. He is finding it difficult understanding her mixed signals. One minute she is kissing him & the other minute, she is telling someone she feels nothing for him. Brenda wonders whether Danni has a boyfriend e is not aware of, but he says  it is not that or she would have received a phone call that will suggest such. She wonders what the issue is with Danni that got him all hooked up? She tells him that he comes on too strong like he did that night he came to Fred’s house uninvited.
Bimpe tells Soji that a new phone will make her happy. He says that what she needs is orange juice. Frank tells them they can no longer shoot in the bar to avoid disturbing the new year crowd. Bimpe goes to meet Harriet to ask for the love test. She searches for an article she wrote on that topic in Tinseltown. She informs Bimpe that it attracted a lot of rave reviews from readers.
Sankey visits Masters. They trade jibes & he tells her that she can see the day he leaves the prison without any hindrance and that is why she came to the prison on this pathetic expedition. She asks him if he loves her? He is lost for words for a moment.
Masters asks who she is talking about? She tells him it is his companion & asks what he means by companion? She asks why he does not miss her if there was anything between them? What was he expecting from the relationship? An aristo relationship? Or a house in a suburban area with them making little drug lords? He asks her not to talk about what she does not understand. She gets up & says that she understands now & leaves.
Brenda grills Kwame on his relationship with Danni. He tells her that Danni looked through his website & she asks what her impression was?he says that she thinks that it is okay so long as he is proud of what he does. She tells him that she has been telling him the same thing; nobody wants to date the king of sleaze. He also confesses that he could not make sense of it. You have nothing in common then, she tells him.  
Fred tells Sheila he is thinking about where they were at that time last year. She recalls it was the days of Laide, etc. He says it is almost a year & the baby would have been born but he does not know if it is a boy or girl. She reacts to this & he changes the subject. For doing so well in his exams in spite of being away from school for a while, they have decided to allow Freddy spend more time with Danni. He says he will rather spend time with people his own age. That brought a look of surprise to everyone’s face.
Bimpe & Harriet go through the love test questions & Soji failed all the questions they tested. She suggests that they try a different approach to the questions. That may produce a different set of answers.
Kaneng comes to meet Fred & apologizes for coming at such an odd hour. He tells her it is okay & asks how Dan’s appeal is going? She says it is going well. She came to discuss the application for mercy. She has found out the names of members of the committee & one of them is Dr. Gyang. Fred is appalled at the suggestion that he talks to Dr. Gyang but she tells him that there is nothing wrong with that.

Next on Tinsel
Kwame takes a break from his dance with Danni & tells her thatch has decided to make some changes in his company.


Danni pushes away from Kwame. She’s short of words and walks away. She sees Sheila and Mr. A, and they exchange greetings. They couple say they saw what happened. She says it’s just a new year’s kiss. Fred leaves and Sheila asks for a little honesty now the men are gone. Sheila says she saw sparks. Danny said fireworks, referring to the New Year. Then being serious says it doesn’t matter, she has school, work, no time for relationship, she won’t get involved with the big bad Kwame. Kwame looks on
Soji asks what the equipment is still doing in Bimpe’s flat. Harriet is still going through the footage. Soji asks if she’s arranged for someone else to break in and upset Bimpe. Harriet says he’s talking nonsense, like she has the money for that. Soji asks if she’s deleted it. She says it’s the most exciting moment and he’s kidding. Soji asks suggests burning the tapes for some excitement, but not on Harriet’s life. He points out that Bimpe is upset, and hasn’t even said ‘happy new year’. She does that and says it’s no big deal, people talk. Soji comforts her.
Det. Sankey is still at the office, which surprises Segun. She’s trying to call Emile for clarification of his email. Segun says he might be drunk or with his family when Sankey says Emile might have a lead. He suggests she goes home, but she’s not interested. She gets through to Emile and he tells her he sent addresses he accumulated on masters. She asks if he got it on his Facebook wall. Emile is barely amused and said he looked it up and had a chat with locals in the areas, some were helpful. She asks if he thinks he’s in one of the places. He tells her to look into it, he also tells her all the houses have underground sessions.
At the Salsa gala, Danny just wants to wrap things up, and says goodbye to the Ade Williams. Kwame is looking at her and Brenda holds him by the mouth and says he should face his front, she also asks if there are any other new hobbies. He mentions how he likes to keep people guessing. They wish each other a happy new year and she leaves. Danni is talking with Kovna, Kwame joins them and learns Kovna is thinking of signing up. Kwame goes on about what it’ll take. Kovna then says farewell and leaves. Getting over a little awkwardness he tells Danny that he think the party was a success. She nods. He seems a little let down and says he’ll see her at salsa.
Soji and Bimpe are having breakfast. She still looks downcast and he offer to get her ice cream. She believes it’s too early but he says as long as she’s up for it. He kisses her and makes for the door and on opening it sees Harriet. He leaves and she comes in. Harriet thanks Bimpe for calming Soji (her Tarzan) down. Bimpe doesn’t like her evading the main issue. She says even if Soji is obvious she shouldn’t be. Harriet corrects ‘obvious’. Bimpe says they don’t belong together, that’s why he didn’t say he loved her. It was oblivious. She’s corrected again ‘Obvious you mean’. Bimpe says it’s not the point, he still has something for Tele. Harriet doesn’t feel the same way, saying some guys re better showing that they love their girl than saying it.
Kaneng meets with Sankey. She tells the det. That Dan’s case is being evaluated for pardon. ‘Oh ,the prerogative mercy thing’ Sankey replies lifelessly. Kaneng notices and Sankey says it’s her job to put offenders behind bars, so she should understand. Kaneng asks if it means she won’t give her approval if asked for it. She goes on to say if justice was served first time around he won’t have been pushed. This alarms Sankey. Kaneng says there was a rapist free to keep walking around. Sankey asks is that one incident is solely her responsibility.
At the dining table, Sheila makes mention of Danny’s spectacular dance moves. Freddie’s not surprised she was spectacular and says she always is. He asks of the other guy. They tell him he was satisfactory. Freddie says he was always stiff in rehearsal. He goes off to see if Danny is awake to so she can have breakfast. Talking about yesterday’s kiss, Fred thinks they should be careful, after all they are her guardians while she’s here. Sheila says Danny wants to believe there was nothing to the kiss but that they didn’t kiss like friends.
Bimpe is flipping her lines and Harriet asks what’s so distracting, she knows Soji’s cute and all. Soji cuts her off, saying she shouldn’t harass Soji. Bimpe wants to reshoot tomorrow but Harriet says ‘time is money’ and Soji agrees. She settles for a 10 mins break. Harriet steps out and Soji asks Bimpe what’s wrong, saying it’s not like her to be down like this for long. She says she doesn’t care what the haters think but cares what he does. Soji is taken aback. She reiterates that she told him she loved him and he said nothing. He said he was taken by surprise, she asks what he has to say now and just then Harriet walks in. He says they’ll talk about it later.
Sankey says Tele didn’t come forward to testify. Kaneng believes that if Dan is released it’ll send a message to rapist that they can’t just keep at it, there’ll be justice. Sankey concedes that sometimes bad people slip out of jail one way or the other. Kaneng says Dan has been a model prisoner, Sankey shoots back saying probably hasn’t done enough time. She then says she’ll think if what Kaneng said.
Sheila and Amaka step into the Ade Williams’ kitchen with food. Amaka was alarmed to hear Danni kissed Kwame. Sheila says she shouldn’t be too surprised, after all there was a stunt on Christmas Eve. Kwame is not her favorite person, but it doesn’t restrict Danny from being in a relationship with him as long as it’s not part of some scheme of his. Amaka is still skeptical and Sheila recalls someone else who didn’t heed warning on who to date. Amaka laughs, touché. She says maybe Danny and Kwame is a match made in heaven.
Segun says there are a lot of addresses on the list, she hails his ability to state the obvious. She asks what next. He says they need clearance, but it’ll probably have to pass through a lot of his lawyers, so the have to narrow it down to the most likely. She congratulates him on getting to the ‘next level’. They realize they have to think of the houses Angela could be in. Sankey says they must consider they may be playing into Masters’ hands going to his main house. He also might not have gotten out of town, and she may be in one of the already searched houses. Segun is told to be careful, Masters must not know what they know. He gets to work.
Harriet wraps up for the day, says she’ll come around later to discuss what was shot. The crew leaves and when the couple is alone, she asks to talk. Soji gets up and say he was actually on his way home. Has a lot of work to do. She reminds him what he said but he says they’ll talk later. As he heads for the door, she asks bluntly if he’s over her yet, if he’s still in love with Tele. He doesn’t like her asking, saying he’s trying to forget about her. She says she deserves to know where she stands, and he says she stands here with him. She wants to know of the future. He says they should enjoy the present. Saying he enjoys being with her and believes she feels the same way. He leaves.
Freddie and Danny exchange happy new year wishes. He has a present for her. She thinks the Christmas gift was present enough. She opens if and sees a gold necklace with a heart shaped pendant. She says he shouldn’t have.
At Ziggy’s, Bimpe tells Harriet she not doing the show anymore, saying Soji is using her to get over Tele and she’s nobody’s rebound girl. Harriet asks if it’s about what happened last night? She replies that he won’t and can’t say it, they have no chemistry. Harriet points out that he raised funds for the show, but Bimpe says it was to announce to everyone he was over Tele. Bimpe isn’t budging. Harriet tells her there are tests to find out the truth.
Segun comes in to Sankey’s office. He says he knows exactly where to look.
Amber called to remind Kwame about her raise. ‘Hold on, you’re telling me you’re under the delusion that I’d pay you more money than I am now? And you thought it’ll come true?’ Kwame replies.


Fred tells Kaneng that he is still reeling from the fact that Dan agreed to see her. Eddy asks how Dan reacted to her prerogative of mercy story? She tells them that she did not mention it. Eddy gloats & asks if that was not the main purpose of the meeting? Fred call him to order as he tears into Kaneng. She tells them that they have all been pushing Dan around. She intends to allow him make the choices in this case. He can start by reading the letter she wrote him detailing her plans. 
Jean-Baptiste walks through the arts pieces & asks Kwame if that is all? He tells her that it is a humble collection. She asks him never to use that word in describing art. Art should strike at the soul whenever it is mentioned, she tells him. Sufficiently chided, he asks her if he can fetch her anything? Drinks? Champagne? She asks if they are celebrating anything & he tells her yes, an art exhibition. She would rather be the judge of that. as she wanders off, Peju asks Kwame if he is nervous? He tells her not at all.
Bimpe & a very obviously stiff Soji are in the house in front of the camera. She tells him she went shopping for clothed & lingerie & asks if he wants to see what she bought? He irritatedly says no! Harriet calls for a break & asks him what is wrong again? He does not think that she should show undies on air as kids may be watching. Harriet asks him to just concentrate on entertainment & leave the scheduling to her. Besides, the kids already know what undies are. As they were re-starting Chuks knocks & enters. Immediately he sees the camera, he perks up & performs for the camera; noting that he runs the best A-List Bar in town called Ziggy’s in addition to his fashion outfit. Bimpe & everyone could not believe what they are seeing. Harriet stops him & asks if he is doing an advert?
TTK complains about Dan shutting her out while she struggles to salvage his business & raise his daughter. Eddy visits & she complains to him about Dan’s rejection. She needs him to do something to correct this travesty of justice. He is working on something but is bound by client-counsel confidentiality. She insists that he does what is best for Dan & he tells her about Kaneng. 
She asks if they are out of their minds, giving everyone access to Dan? She believes that Kaneng is a fraud. She asks if he does not mind the lady interfering? He agrees reluctantly that he has his reservations. He tells her that all is not lost as she rambles along. 
Chuks asks if he did anything wrong? Harriet says yes. He showed up. Chuks wonders if he is not supposed to be a part of the reality show? They complain about his promoting himself & groveling n front of the camera. They finally agree to continue so long as he does not look into the camera & stops advertising himself.
Peju tells Kwame that Jean-Baptiste has been staring at a painting for the last ten minutes. He is aware of that. Peju reminds him that they agreed that her show will have broadcast rights to the exhibition & if they show the event on TV, maybe more patrons will show up. He tells her that he has changed his mind. His pieces are at risk of being stolen. That is why the event is an invites-only event. Just then, Brenda walks in & is happy at being invited. Kwame looks shocked. 
Harriet tells Soji & Bimpe to fight, now that Chuks is gone. They ask what they are fighting for, so that they can act it well. She asks them to scratch that. Instead, she asks Bimpe to feed Soji. Bimpe says no. Soji should feed her instead as that is more romantic. He agrees & feeds her a spoon of rice as the camera rolls. Immediately she swallows, she starts choking. He grabs her & squeezes the food out of her when it started getting worrying. A relieved Bimpe hugs him & thanks him for saving her life. Harriet likes that. 
Kwame wonders what Brenda is doing at the exhibition & how she entered without an invite? Peju is happy that she is there to support Kwame. Brenda says that she was beside herself when she heard of her brother’s collections. She leaves them to go & see the works. Peju tells Kwame that Jean-Baptiste clears her throat when she is about to give the De-La-Rosa declaration. What happens after that? Kwame asks? We will know whether your artwork is good or not, she responds. 
TTK comes back to meet Salewa & Carol. She hugs Salewa who wonders what is wrong. TTK asks Carol to leave them alone. She tells Salewa that there is a woman that is out to destroy her father. She has worked her way into his heart & he sees her alone without seeing any of his relations. She tells Salewa that as she is not married to Dan, it is only Salewa that can save her father. 
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Harriet is happy that they got a good footage when Bimpe was choking. Soji is not happy that they did nothing when she was choking. They tell him they were doing their jobs. Besides, he was supposed to save her & he did so. He gets up & leaves them & Harriet asks Bimoe if she is okay? She thought Bimpe was faking it before till it got quite serious. Bi pe confirms that she is okay & was not choking. Harriet is surprised at how real she made it & Bimpe tells them that at least it got a natural reaction out of Soji!
Amaka & Sheila congratulate Kwame on his exhibition. He thanks them for coming. They talk about his courage at staging an exhibition with De-La-Rosa attending despite her records. Especially as the pieces may not be too great as Danni mentioned, Sheila says. Kwame asks if it is the same Danni that works in the spa, the salsa teacher? Sheila confirms that she is their house-guest. Brenda joins them & Kwame runs away. Brenda asks whether Danni is still around as they walk away. Danni enters in a floor-length gown that got the men waowing!
Salewa says that she has already said that she will not sign the papers they want her to sign. She does not want to prove her father mentally ill. She asks why they are not trying to convince Dan to initiate the appeal process? They tell her that Dan is under the influence of something. 
Kwame is surprised that Danni came. She asks why she would not? He says that after what happened the last time, he did not think she will come. She asks if he is about to apologize? He also tells her that she did not tell him that she stays with The Ade-Williams. She asks if there is a problem with that? He says that he is sure that they must have told her some stories about him. She asks what it matters & before he could answer, Peju comes to call them. Jean-Baptiste is about to make the De-La-Rosa declaration. Everyone runs towards her except Kwame. 

Next on Tinsel
Jean-Baptiste call the exhibition a tantalizing outrage. Danni takes over from her & asks if she does not think that the exhibition contributes to the debate about neo-expressionism as a true re-birth or a passing fad?